It's been awhile


I apologize for the absence, but I also don't want to draw attention to it too much because I'm not quite sure what use there is for that!

I'm going through a weird transition right now with this blog. On the one hand, I am still interested in predominantly Asian Beauty, but on the other hand, my interests are diverging away towards larger topics. Does it make sense to try to mesh somewhat disparate topics all into one blog? At the same time, I don't know if it makes sense to separate into two.

It's funny to go through a transition when I've been mostly absent with this blog. I had very high aspirations, but perhaps I shouldn't have started it the summer before graduate school :P I was anticipating a bit more free time, but also didn't realize how involved I'd be. I am super grateful for it all, but I do miss writing/blogging.

As I write that out, I realize that it doesn't make sense to mesh it all into one blog. Well, it does, but it would be the most uncategorizable "lifestyle" blog ever.

I might just go with that, and I hope you all don't mind the weird topics that get interjected into this blog as I [very, very] slowly move forward with it all. Maybe later down the line I'll brand it all better. But for now, I'm more interested in just continuing to blog and write. I only hope that the material I share is somewhat of interest and of use to everyone :)

Side note: I will say that one thing that will most definitely change is the length of my posts. I am aiming on keeping my reviews a bit more editorial and short. I'm trying to be better at keeping things "to the point" instead of a very long narrative. I am of the firm belief that things be succinct and engaging while still informative. Let's see how that goes!

Onwards with more posts, hopefully!

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